how to make dream catcher
Learn how to make dream catchers with my step by step instructions and photo's. This is my own adaption of the traditional Native American craft using things I had lying around from other projects. This small dream catcher looks great and would make a pretty addition to any bedroom. You can make it in any color to suit your taste and decor. The basic stringing method is the same whether you are making a large version or a small one. Dream catchers are traditionally a Native American craft and are made to catch dreams. Both good and bad dreams are caught in the web. The good dreams are filtered down through the feathers to those sleeping in the room with the dream catcher. The bad dreams are caught in the web and dispersed by the morning sun. Click on the link if you'd like to find out more about the history of dream catchers and the legends about them. A hoop - in this tutorial I have used an old large curtain ring. Leather strips, cotton cord or yarn - this is for binding around the hoop, you can use any binding material, even fabric strips will work.

how to make dream catcherIn this tutorial I used flat suede cord as I had some left over from another project. Cotton cord or thread - this is for creating the web, it needs to be quite tough as you will be pulling it taught during the making of your dream catcher. A bead for the center is optional. Feathers for the dreams to filter down through. I couldn't find any small feathers for this project so I used skeleton leaves instead. It's quite fiddly creating the web on a small scale. Try using a tapestry needle to thread the cord through especially as you get close to the center. I used flat suede strips to wrap around the hoop, to keep it flat I had to reposition it every few wraps which left spaces between the strips. This was a great way to create sections around the hoop to help me work out where to put the anchor threads for the web.

If your binding material lays flat and close together without gaps you may find it difficult to judge where to put the anchor threads. Before you start lay your hoop on a piece of paper and draw around it. Cut out the paper circle, fold it in half then in quarters, open out the paper and divide each quarter into 3 so you have 12 sections. If your hoop is a lot bigger you may want to add more sections. This doesn't have to be perfect it is just to give you a rough guide to follow when you start making your web. Start wrapping your binding material around your hoop. To stop the material from moving or coming unwrapped you can glue the end and wait for the glue to set before wrapping. Continue wrapping, keeping the tension nice and even. Once you get back to the beginning you can tie of the end or glue the end to the hoop. Trim any excess wrapping material once the glue has dried.

Tie your weaving thread to the top of your hoop to start creating the anchors. Pass the thread behind the hoop and back over to the front as seen in the photo. What would you like to do now, Return to top of how to make dream catchers where you can choose one of Mia’s craft ideas from the navigation bar on the left. Go to yarn crafts where you will find more great craft ideas. Visit Mia’s Craft Ideas home page to find out more about our website and Mia’s free craft ideas. Coloring ideas for adults and older children. This 50 page downloadable book is full of intricate patterrns for you to color. Christmas Craft Ideas, including homemade ornaments, snowflakes and how to make paper chains. All our craft ideas have easy to follow, step by step instructions and photo's. This printable advent calendar is easy to make and the kids will love the Xmas game with the colorful images. You will find more Christmas craft ideas to make with step by step instructions. Christmas paper chains are quick and easy like all our crafts for kids. Make your own decorations with our easy to follow instructions and photo'