So Spring Break is over. And with break time gone, apparently morning sickness has decided now was a good time to begin. I woke up nauseaus this morning. And it never went away. I haven't thrown up, but have wanted to. You know when you are sick and feel sick to your stomach and think, man if I could just vomit I would feel sooo much better, Yeah all day like that! I am thinking maybe this is a sign that the placenta has begun to take over now, It is supposed to happen around 8 weeks, and today I am 8w3d, so it makes sense right, My next appt is a week from tomorrow. T will not be able to go :-( I think after this appointment, I will be released from the RE's office and go to the OBGYN's office. I have been to this OBGYN once, when he put me on clomid, unmonitored. I guess I will go back to him, since I haven't gotten any other good reviews from anyone up here. If I end up not liking him, there are several other Drs in his practice.

how to make a babySo I was asked why we will be waiting until March if this month is a bust. The answer is that I just got into grad school and I want to take off a whole semester when the baby(ies,) comes. If we get pregnant between Jan and March baby would be born October through December. Plus there would be a very good chance that our current little boy would share a birthday to the new one and we want to spread it out more. What does clomid do, Clomid is used for women who do not ovulate on their own or do not ovulate very strong on their own (for me it was the first). Provera is used to start a woman's period. Dr that preforms IUIs, IVF, etc he figures out how to make infertile people fertile. Luteal Phase, Luteal Phase Defiency, your LP is the time between when you ovulate and when you get your period. Dr monitors you for follicles and injects sperm into the uterus to acheive a pregnancy. Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome, affects many women and is usually a major cause of IF. Anymore questions about this just ask! Tomorrow I go in for a blood draw to see what my progesterone levels are. Last cycle my level wa only 13.51. That compounded with a LPD is probably why I didn't get KU last cycle. Hopefully it is a higher number this time and a longer LPD.

Many products are available in the market for tightening the genital of women. But, experts recommend choosing products carefully to avoid unwanted side effects. Giving birth to a child is a wonderful experience for every woman. Males cannot understand the feeling of being pregnant. But, in the process of childbirth or accouchement, every woman has to go through a number of physical as well as psychological problems. The imbalance of hormone levels, morning sickness etcetera are some of the problems related to pregnancy. The reproductive system of women has to suffer from biggest challenge related to accouchement. The tissues and muscles of female genital have to face extreme contraction and dilation, both at the same time. Pregnancy followed by accouchement is a real tough time for any woman. The extreme conditions of the process can enlarge woman's genital after childbirth. Many products can be found in the market for tightening the genital of women.

But, experts recommend choosing products very carefully to avoid unwanted side effects. Some companies sell their products without disclosing the information about the harmful chemicals used in the formulation of their product. Such products can induce severe negative effects on the user. However, there are some safer treatment options also. Usage of herbal supplements, such as Aabab tablet, is one of the safe treatment options to make vagina tighter once again. The most peculiar thing of Abab tablet is that, it is an all-natural product which is made only with herbs derived from natural sources. It does not contain any harmful chemical or, any artificial substance which is why it never induces any negative effects on the user. Aabab tablet can make women genital tighter once again by nourishing their reproductive system. It contains several micro-nutrients that nourish the reproductive organs to increase their efficiency. It improves flow of blood towards reproductive system to boost supply of oxygen, which helps to rejuvenate the saggy muscles of women genital. Adequate amount of oxygen is extremely essential to make women genital tighter once again.