how to make bakso
Bakso or Baso is Indonesian meatball or meat paste made from beef and is similar in texture to the Chinese beef ball, fish ball, or pork ball. Basically Bakso is made from beef meat with tapioca flour, however Bakso also can be mad from other ingredients such a fish, chicken or shrimp. Bakso in Indonesia has many variations,these variation basically only relating to its texture and ingredient. Bakso Bakar: Burnt skewered bakso like (Satay). Basically Bakso is originated from China, brought by Chinese immigrant to Indonesia. However, today most of the bakso vendors at Aceh. Today however I will teach you how to make Bakso in general, most variants of Bakso as I mentioned before only relating to its texture so the way how to make them is the same. Bakso is a type of food consisted with 2 main ingredients : the Soup and the Meatball. So if you want to make Bakso you must prepare the soup first.

how to make baksoIf anybody visited my home country and asked what should be the most yummy national snack in Indonesia, I shall probably answer “Bakso”. This is a simple beef meatball soup with clear broth, mostly served with glass noodles, leek, and fried onions. Some people served this soup with soem fries and tofu too. Well, this is my simple “Bakso” recipe. Preheat one medium pot with 3 liters of water inside. Just keep it shimmer, not boiled. Mix together the all of the ingredients in a big bowl. Knead and push the beef mix with your hand through your fingers for 5 minutes (or use blender/food pros for smoother result), until the beef looks bit pale. Begin to form the meatballs by using both of your hand, take one tablespoon of beef mix and make circular move to form ball. Put in the meatballs slowly into shimmering water (NOT BOILING) and wait until the meatballs float on the surface of the water. Meanwhile, make the soup by putting 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tablespoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper into the water. Turn on the heat to boil the soup, when all of the meatball float. Let it boil for another 7-8 minutes. Besarkan api untuk membuat sup mendidih, ketika semua bola bakso telah mengapung. Take the meatballs out of the soup and put them in a clean bowl, closed with lid. In a large bowl with 1 liter of warm water, put in the glass noodles. Set aside for 30 minutes. Dalam sebuah mangkuk besar dengan 1 liter air hangat, masukkan suun/ sohun dan diamkan selama 30 menit. Serve the meatball by putting meatballs, some glass noodles, leek and fried onions, pured with some hot soup.

Oke pemirsa , kali ini kami akan berbagi resep mengenai cara pembuatan bakso yang enak , lezat , special dan selau bikin ketagihan. Resep cara membuat Bakso daging sapi yang enak, lezat dan mantab. Seperti pada umumnya, Bakso sampai saat ini masih menjadi makanan favorite kebanyakan orang di indonesia. Baik perempuan, laki-laki, anak-anak dan orang tua pun masih banyak yang suka dengan yang namanya Bakso, terutama Bakso daging sapi. Rasa daging sapi yang tedapat pada bulatan / pentol bakso memang menjadi ciri khas masakan yang tidak akan bisa dilupakan. Cara membuat Bakso daging sapi yang enak ternyata juga mudah, bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan pun boleh dibilang cukup sederhana dan mudah di dapatkan. Saya yakin ibu-ibu atau mbak yang dirumah pasti bisa untuk membuat bakso. Yup sekarang saatnya mencoba praktek langsung yah, siapkan bahan-bahan berikut. If the ingredients are ready, now straight into the weave. Puree garlic, mashed or blender please. Mix the garlic that has been crushed into a paste of ground beef, pepper, salt, flavorings, as well as starch.

Once the dough is well blended into the next form the dots by hand according to the size you want, keep the size is not much too big to be able to mature more evenly and quickly. Well here I am sure you can to make meatballs sphere. Enter the circle you make meatballs into hot water, then boil in boiling water until cooked. Sign meatballs that have matured are floating on the surface of the boiling water. The boiling process usually takes 10-15 minutes. Lift the cooked meatballs and drain at room temperature. Well now sphere or bulb meatballs meatballs are finished, simply make the gravy. How to make a delicious meatball sauce, The following recipe and how. Boil the water with the bone and all the marinade to a boil and bones become mature. If it is cooked, reduce the heat and then you are able to serve the meatballs with the sauce.

Named by CNN as among the 40 best Indonesian dishes, bakso is essentially a street food and American President Obama loves it. Bakso is Indonesian meatball. When served with noodles and broth, the dish is mee bakso. But meatballs are ubiquitous in Asian noodle soups — what makes the Indonesian bakso different, Bakso, whether meat, seafood or chicken-based, are denser and richer because of the paste used to make them. The paste is called surimi. Like laksa, there is no definitive recipe for making mee bakso. The soup can be made from meat, seafood or chicken, or a combination of all of them. The meatballs can have beef, pork, chicken, fish or other seafood. In Asia, a wide array of meat and fish balls are available in groceries. That's not always the case outside Asia. While bakso can be bought in Asian stores if you're lucky, if you're wary about not knowing what exactly is in them, it is easy enough to make bakso at home. Grind ground meat or seafood with seasonings and spices until the mixture acquires the texture of a tacky paste. A food processor is convenient but not essential. Form the paste into balls and cook in boiling broth. Once you have your meatballs, it is easy to assemble a bowl of mee bakso. What takes time is making the broth which you really want to be good and rich and tasty. And that takes long and slow cooking.