how to make a gif
There are probably no users on the internet who have never seen a gif animation. How to make an animation and what is gif animation, In point of fact it is simply a file, that consists of several images, that are moving one after the other. The concept of gif animation is very close to the roots of animation. Way before the first films were created, animation already existed, and it gave the possibility to create animated images. It can be created, by a well-known method from childhood, of drawing in the corners of our notebook. And then when you were flipping the pages quickly these pictures that were drawn with a little difference were coming to life. The smaller a difference between each picture is the slower will be the movement of animated images. So this is the core of every modern document in a standard gif format. Thanks to this we can even create a cartoon. The word animation originates from the French «animation» - revival, reduction. The name itself embodies the desire to add movement and dynamics to static objects. The term «animation» is often mistaken for multiplication. But actually they have some significant differences.

how to make a gifAnimation was created way before cinematography, and it usually had some music accompaniment. Soon the artists all over the world were fascinated by the idea of making cartoons. The very first animated character was cat named Filex, but his fame did not last. Very soon he was replaced by well-known and beloved Mickey Mouse and this amusing animations was forgotten. The most famous animation to this days is still the legendary hedgehog from the cartoon «Hedgehog in the Fog». Animation tightly cooperates with cinematography. The difference between these two spheres is enormous. Cinematograph deals with real actors and objects, shooting their movements with camera. Animation on the other hands uses inanimate objects, such as cartoon characters or plasticine`s dolls. The combination of the first and second gives the possibility to create a realistic depiction of completely imaginative things. How to make an animation more realistic, Set the smallest change of a great number of frames, and due to smoothness the effect that your dragon is flying or a person is clapping his hands will be created.

In the world of Internet the animation appeared with the development of Flash technology, but here she significantly differs from making cartoons. What is the main difference between video and gif animation, The first differs in a huge size, and, as it follows, can overload the page and causes problems with playback. Besides, the noise that appears out of the blue can scare a visitor of the site. Animations, on the other hands, loads easily, causes no problems with playback and above all it is a pleasant addition to every site. If you want to make your guest genuinely interested in your site all you have to do is to create a cartoon. It doe not have to be too intricate, but it have to be dynamic. If you are wondering how to make a gif animation there are several ways to do that. Most of then require an installation of different softwares on your computer, and also a high productivity of your computer. For example a quality animation software to create an animation is Adobe Photoshop.

How to create a cartoon, How to make a cartoon, using your own pictures, without overloading your computer and not wasting a lot of time, At first, it should be mentioned that with the help of our service you can create an animation either from your computer or a mobile phone. At first you should upload all the necessary pictures on the site. We are working with jpeg, tiff, png, bmp, and even gif, in other words, almost with all possible formats, that you know about. How to create a gif animation from scratch, The classic explorer window. You should click the download button and select all the necessary photos in a dialogue menu. Selected images will soon turn into animated images. You may download photos by dragging and dropping images into the unit load. This way is very easy and quick. Once you drop the mouse button all files will upload automatically. Photos can be uploaded straight from your account on Facebook. You should only click the icon of social network above the button «Download». And after that the special window for photo selection will open. Downloading of all the images by link.